Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Footballers as TV presenters - the shows Premier League stars could host

If Dion Dublin can present Homes Under The Hammer (yes, that is ACTUALLY happening), maybe this lot could get into TV presenting too

Getty/Channel 4Countdown: Steven Gerrard
One of two suggestions for Stevie G's first foray into TV presenting

In news that makes even Alan Partridge's Monkey Tennis sound plausible, Dion Dublin is to become the latest presenter of Homes Under The Hammer, the BBC property show.
Just take a moment and let that sink in. Dion Dublin - the former Cambridge United target man turned England international - is about to embark on a career in daytime TV.
The mind boggles.
If the creator of The Dube can turn his hand to non-football based broadcasting, perhaps there are other members of the football fraternity who can do the same. In fact, there are a few Premier League faces that would be the perfect fit for certain shows…

How To Look Good Naked - Steve Bruce

Getty/Channel 4How To Look Good Naked: Steve Bruce

Sorry, Steve. And apologies to everyone else, for making you picture this image.

Bargain Hunt - Mike Ashley

Getty/BBCBargain Hunt: Mike Ashley

Forget the Premier League. If there is another man in BRITAIN better at seeking out cheap deals and squeezing every last penny out of a budget, we would like to meet him.

A Place in The Sun - Steven Gerrard

Getty/Channel 4A Place in The Sun: Steven Gerrard

After sealing a move from gloomy Liverpool to sunny Los Angeles, Stevie is basically living the show already.
First episode: Steven shows Michael Carrick around the greatest soccer stadiums of America.

Countdown - Gerrard again

Getty/Channel 4Countdown: Steven Gerrard

The gag that works in two ways. We could:
a) Make a joke about the ongoing, constantly referenced countdown to Gerrard's last game for Liverpool.
Or b) Crack a joke about Gerrard possessing the ability to come on a sub and get sent off in the time it takes for the countdown clock to tick round.
Take your pick.

Pointless - Juan Cuadrado

Getty/BBCPointless: Juan Cuadrado

Yes, it's a tad harsh. But we have definitely heard the title of this show used to describe Chelsea's signing of the Colombian winger.

Splash - Ashley Young

Getty/ITVSplash: Ashley Young

Forget Tom Daley. If Z-list celebrities want to learn how to tumble dramatically to the floor (ok, water), the Man United winger/makeshift full-back is just the man for the job.

Come Dine With Me - Luis Suarez

Getty/Channel 4Luis Suarez: Come Dine with me

"Will anyone serve roasted shoulder of Italian defender next week? Tune in to find out!"


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