Thursday, March 5, 2015

Miley Cyrus & Selena Gomez: The Next Step In Their Feud?

 Miley Cyrus Selena Gomez Feud Over

Are things cooling off between Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez? The ‘Bangerz’ singer happily posed with Selena’s topless ‘V’ cover issue, and, believe it or not, there was no shade thrown around.

Miley Cyrus, 22, might be waving a white flag in Selena Gomez‘s direction. While Miley usually enjoys cryptically dissing her fellow pop singer, now she’s helping promote Sel’s sexy topless V magazine cover on Instagram.

Miley Cyrus & Selena Gomez’s Feud Over?

Hmm. Is Miley over the drama with Selena?
On Wednesday, March 4, Miley posted an Instagram of herself “dancing” with a copy of Selena’s V magazine in her hand. The caption read, “Dance party celebratinnnn da first OFFICIAL #diaryofadirtyhippie in #v94 @vmagazine.”
Miley is a contributing editor inside the issue that features topless Selena on the cover, but we all know that she didn’t have to include Selena’s pictures in her happy Instagram. So, what does this mean?Hopefully, this is Miley’s white flag — and things are cooling back down between these two. Who needs to harp on all of this old drama anyway?

[From :]


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