Friday, March 20, 2015

Scott Disick Leaves Rehab After Just 12 Hours — Report



Scott fled his Costa Rica treatment facility after just one day but this isn’t surprising because told you that it was all one big publicity stunt!

Scott Disick has thrown in the towel on seeking help for his “issues.” The reality star reportedly left Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica after spending just one day there. Scott, who released a statement claiming he wanted to “remedy this struggle I continue to battle,” isn’t serious about working on his addictions after all.

Scott Disick Leaves Rehab After Just One Week

Scott just couldn’t handle it and he thought “he didn’t need to be there,” according
“The rehab featured private rooms for patients, spa treatments, and gourmet food,” the insider claims. “Despite the luxurious surroundings, Scott left after only twelve hours.”
Wow, we bet Kourtney Kardashian would be upset but we’ve learned that Scott never had any intention of staying in rehab for 30 days like the facility claimed.
“Scott was paid to go to rehab,” our source told “He won’t be there for 30 days and no legit rehab facility would ever send out a press release.”

Scott Disick Checks Himself Into Rehab In Costa Rica

At the time this is the statement that Scott released:
“While I have been unconvinced in the past of treatment and therapy methods, Rythmia’s rehab approach puts my worries at ease. The fact that there is a money back guarantee that has never been called upon gives me even more confidence. I am looking forward to starting my therapy and iboga treatment there.”
The services at Rythmia include group therapy, holistic and homeopathic medicine, and spiritual mind therapy.
This news of Scott checking into rehab came right after he was reportedly wasted in Atlantic City and found stumbling around his hotel barefoot until 8am, according to TMZ.


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